Senior man and woman gardening with many flowerpots .  Homme et femme seniors jardinant avec de nombreux pots de fleurs

Chartwell’s Care and Support for Seniors living with Dementia

Your guide to understanding Chartwell’s Memory Living program for your loved one.

Preview pages of Chartwell’s Care and Support for Seniors living with Dementia
  • Are you caring for a spouse, parent, family member, or friend living with dementia? Do you want to find an inviting home that feels safe and secure, with access to specialized services and support that can help you or a loved one lead a good day, every day? Then Chartwell’s Memory Living program may be the right fit for your next chapter in life.

    Chartwell offers a unique Memory Living program in select residences that focuses on the social impact of dementia. Our comprehensive brochure is designed to help you as a caregiver understand how Chartwell’s Memory Living program can benefit your loved one(s) by providing a safe, supportive, and independent environment emphasizing activities of daily living.

    Download our guide by filling out the form to understand what Memory Living in a Chartwell retirement home is all about.

Chartwell’s Memory Living Program

Currently offered in our retirement residences in Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia, Chartwell’s Memory Living program provides an elevated experience for seniors living with dementia. Read our guide to discover the five key benefits of our Memory Living program, including:

  • High staff-to-resident ratios
  • Specially-designed life enrichment activities
  • Family-style dining
  • Secure and interactive environments with 24-hour supervision
  • Family support for transitions to memory care

You will also learn about our dedicated Memory Living Managers and Social Workers in each of our neighbourhoods who support the families of residents living with cognitive challenges.

Senior woman and her daughter are hugging each other / Une femme âgée et sa fille se serrent l'une contre l'autre

The 6 guiding principles of Memory Living

Most unique of all is Chartwell’s person-centred approach to memory care. Our caring staff are trained on how to support individuals living with dementia to adequately meet their needs, taking into account their abilities and interests. That’s why Chartwell’s Memory Living Program is based on 6 guiding principles upon which we operate. These include:

  • Safety
  • Community
  • Purpose
  • Person-First
  • Flexibility
  • Family Participation
Senior man and woman holding hands / Homme et femme âgés se tenant par la main